Why Shakespeare loved iambic pentameter – David T. Freeman and Gregory Taylor

Why Shakespeare loved iambic pentameter – David T. Freeman and Gregory Taylor

View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/why-shakespeare-loved-iambic-pentameter-david-t-freeman-and-gregory-taylor

Shakespeare sometimes gets a bad rap in high schools for his complex plots and antiquated language. But a quick peek into the rhythm of his words reveals a poet deeply rooted in the way people spoke in his time — and still speak today. Why do Shakespeare’s words have such staying power? David T. Freeman and Gregory Taylor uncover the power of iambic pentameter.

Lesson by David T. Freeman and Gregory Taylor, animation by Brad Purnell.



  1. Arjun Verma より:

    4:24 trochaic hexameter is wrong as they put the unaccented syllable first and then the accented syllable , what is would be is an iambic hexameter

  2. Bhumi より:

    watching this 2 years in a row

  3. Fe Simco より:

    I just don’t hear the stressed syllables. And English is my mother tongue.

  4. himalay baruah より:

    Excellent video👍

  5. Dkaloger より:

    Fun fact stressing originates from Ancient Greek

  6. Heir of The Lion より:


  7. _ doomkr6ft より:

    Let’s be hornet, Mr. Shakey Spears was a bit of a pain in the putt

  8. Squeezedce انجليزي معصور より:

    This is my narration of sonnet no 67 , which I like much
    I hope I narrated it well . I really need to know your opinion people.

  9. ValahiaDaca21 より:

    I don’t understand nothing…can someone explain?!

  10. J L より:

    Great video. Thanks a lot.

  11. Roxanne M. より:

    Alrighty then!

  12. H!VLTG 3 より:

    The animation for trochaic hexameter at 4:24 is incorrect. That’s iambic hexameter, not trochaic hexameter.

  13. Lewis’s Drugs より:

    how do you eat booty?

  14. 2basick より:

    I need to learn this to learn to write raps

  15. Santiago De Saol より:

    So that’s where Harry Potter received the song.

  16. Sela Boswell より:

    I have an English final on Monday, and this was rather helpful to understand Iambic Pentameter so thanks!

  17. Tommy Liao より:

    Shakespere makes me feel squishy

  18. Stephen Lerch より:

    This is EXCELLENT!

  19. emi lee より:

    thank you so much❕❕

  20. Just Happ より:

    thank you so much ted-ed
