How CRISPR lets you edit DNA – Andrea M. Henle

How CRISPR lets you edit DNA – Andrea M. Henle

Explore the science of the groundbreaking technology for editing genes, called CRISPR- Cas9, and how the tool could be used to cure diseases.

From the smallest single-celled organism to the largest creatures on Earth, every living thing is defined by its genes. With recent advancements, scientists can change an organism’s fundamental features in record time using gene editing tools such as CRISPR. But where did this medical marvel come from and how does it work? Andrea M. Henle examines the science behind this new technology.

Lesson by Andrea M. Henle, directed by Adam Wells.

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  1. TheLuisberg Top Commentor より:

    If CRISPR can edit anything, Can it take away depression and fear. Im being serious.

  2. Snack3rS7 より:

    Fastest and cheapest. And this is the clue. Its almost the most complicated thing on the planet. Its about known build material of every single organism. Every organism is a….bit more complicated than a computer. But she saying this in a computer area shaped her thoughs by computer binary era and talks in this maneur. But this shouldnt to be cheap and fast.

  3. Maide Canyakar より:

    Crispr never looked so cute to me until this video lol

  4. Rafaella v より:

    Anything beyond laws of Nature should be considered malignant.

  5. medo sam より:

    So I can edit my genes to multiply my metabolism by 10?

  6. Nguyễn Tấn Phúc より:

    So how do the bacteria survive in the first viral infection? Does the Crispr system only for subsequent infections ?

  7. Kevin Lauedo より:

    Can we change eye color form it

  8. annastayziaa より:

    SO COOL❤️❤️❤️❤️

  9. joe362420 より:

    When I first found out about crispr i thought ‘can they make it so that old people regrow their teeth like when you loose your baby teeth when you’re a kid’, idk if it’s possible but I’d thought I’d ask

  10. Lyrics Universe より:

    Thanks. It was helpful.

  11. Junkyard King より:

    This is ADAM and Plasmid

  12. TheBirbKyle Alone. より:

    So DNA Is basically a script to make our body be working… right?

  13. LucKie より:

    Can it cure HIV?

  14. Diego Benites より:

    Omaewa mou shinderu

  15. westfield90 より:

    First video where I finally understood this. Thank you. But it does go against what the mainstream media has been touting which is that this is cheap, fast and super accurate. I believe you rather than them

  16. BronzeJourney より:

    I thought the biggest issue with gene editing was ‘how to change ALL the genes in the body at the same time?’, not just being able to change them. I mean, if we still need to get an offspring to see our changes, its completely pointless(or only makes sense in a very long term, like an eon or so) isnt it? What am i missing?

  17. ezcmpany より:

    This video is sponsored by The Umbrella Corporation “our business is life itself”

  18. Prudence Sidi より:

    3:29 nucleases cleave DNA but don’t join the broken ends together

  19. Van Horton より:

    Peaceful thoghts and actions…
    Anyone know how I can change my DNA to grow a Baculum…seriously…
    If this can be done contact
    Chief King Van H Horton…

  20. Ahmed Ali より:

    Is there a dark side to this? can people create bio-weapons with this?
    Like the G-virus
