What’s the difference between accuracy and precision? – Matt Anticole

What's the difference between accuracy and precision? – Matt Anticole

View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/what-s-the-difference-between-accuracy-and-precision-matt-anticole

When we measure things, most people are only worried about how accurate, or how close to the actual value, they are. Looking at the process of measurement more carefully, you will see that there is another important consideration: precision. Matt Anticole explains what exactly precision is and how can help us to measure things better.

Lesson by Matt Anticole, animation by Anton Bogaty.



  1. vijay25996 aravinth より:

    In simple word,
    Precision = more and more accurate

  2. Ramalingeswara Rao Bhavaraju より:

    Good morning TED-Ed, thank you sir.

  3. Averi Leschke より:

    i hate this

  4. Ian Haynes より:


  5. Rishab Ghoshal より:

    According to IGCSE Textbooks;

    Accuracy: How close to the actual answer you are
    Precision: The number of decimal points after the significant figures before the decimal point.

  6. Cali Streeter より:

    Hit or miss I guess they never miss huh?

  7. HWA students より:

    and precision with her mouth

  8. belveric より:

    bms gang

  9. The Internet Officer より:

    This video is so accurate!

  10. Levi Johnston より:

    I think that story was enough without the space stuff.
    Thanks for giving me the scoop on William Tell!

  11. Penny wise より:

    I literally got more idea in the comments than the video 🙂

  12. Monique Hidalgo より:

    which statement is not true?
    a. precise measurement are always accurate
    b. accurate measurement are always precise
    c. precise measurements can be inaccurate
    d. inaccurate measurement can be precise

  13. Hannah Neufeld より:

    this is a lit vid WOW??!!!!!

  14. Lærke より:

    Me, a foreigner: there’s a difference?

  15. Nov - kun より:

    Accuracy = can he actually hit the apple?
    Precision = how many times can he hit the apple?

  16. AVMP より:

    Grade 7

  17. P Pugalia より:

    Now I know, how to reach mars.

  18. Hippo39 より:

    mrs. mairajuddin gang where you at

  19. Ahn Michael より:

    I feel like people are saying this is a great explanation because it has really nice animation, a pleasant voice, and someone speaking confidently. I don’t find this to be an exceptionally useful way of understanding the distinction, and it seems like most of the experts in the comments don’t understand it well enough to apply it to a tangible problem, either.

    Also as someone who actively studies linguistics (the “science of language”), language doesn’t belong to any one group; the fact that the hard sciences have found this distinction really valuable doesn’t mean that people casually using “accurate” and “precise” as synonyms are wrong, it simply means that words can mean more than one thing, and also that one thing can be described by multiple words.

  20. James Rhodes より:

    This helps so much
