How to recognize a dystopia – Alex Gendler

How to recognize a dystopia – Alex Gendler

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The genre of dystopia – the ‘not good place’– has captured the imaginations of artists and audiences alike for centuries. But why do we bother with all this pessimism? Alex Gendler explains how dystopias act as cautionary tales – not about some particular government or technology, but the very idea that humanity can be molded into an ideal shape.

Lesson by Alex Gendler, animation by TED-Ed.



  1. Noah Boxall より:

    the utopian is the most dangerous of all thinkers


    Is there a transcript for this video?

  3. Toro Coffee より:

    Exactly why people should vote for #YANG2020 and not #Bernie

  4. ViP 00 より:


  5. Hussein Nour より:

    Wow, so many great movies referenced.

  6. Croxion 0 より:

    School is a dystopia.

  7. Pekka Laurila より:

    A true utopia is a free market capitalist society. Even the poor in rich Western countries have such high standards of living, that such could not be even imagined by the rich of the past.

  8. Ronald Donald より:

    with or without our help, dystopia is coming.

  9. Sandra Cools より:

    Can you add Dutch subtitles? I have it all translated, but can’t find a way to add it to the video.. I would really want to use this in my class!!!

  10. Timmy Donohue より:

    OK we can here that but are we living in a dystopia?

  11. KeRen Tan より:

    we keep on writing things about how “so-and-so current event” will ruin the world, and we put it into fiction. Years later, we have 1) a reminder NOT TO DO IT AGAIN and 2) something that we now know will not end the world.

  12. Pingu explains the joke より:

    Make the utopia classless and share everything

  13. Seppe Zimmerer より:

    📲*00212645752301* *whatapps*📲
    وجـدت💁‍♂️ كـثـيـر مـن الـكـومـنـتـات عــن تـكـبـيـر الـقـضـيـب وضـعـف الانــتــصــاب وسـرعـة الــقــذف
    وأبـغـى أبـشـركـم😉 أنــي حـصـلـت عــلــى مــعــلــومــات كــثــيــر مـفـيـدة✅ هــتــنــفــعــكــم كــثــيــر ومـجـربـهـا شــخــصــيــا ونـفـعـتـنـي🤩🥳
    تــواصــل مــعــي🙋‍♂️ وأنـا بــشــرح لـك سـر الـوصـفـة الـواتـس اب *00212.645.75.23.01*📲

  14. Zasheza Munir より:

    Losing my mind over how good the animation was. Dayum.

  15. Fernanda Santos より:

    love how you ocasionally put Mr. Robot in the middle of the images.

  16. J4CKR4881T より:

    Someone’s dystopia, is another’s nirvana.

  17. Lucas Castillo より:

    The way people use utopia is weird… You want to create a utopia? Well, if utopia was possible, there would literally only be one. There are not different ways utopia can look or be achieved. If it was possible at all, there would literally be one way to do it.

  18. Family Z より:

    theres a really good movie called laputa castle in the sky, if you havent seen it, i demand you to watch it it. its a 10/10 movie.

  19. Elladór より:

    Nope Imposible.

  20. The weird kid who sits alone at lunch より:

    Step 1:look at china
    Step 2: look away
