How to spot a counterfeit bill – Tien Nguyen

How to spot a counterfeit bill – Tien Nguyen

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Authentic dollar bills are equipped with many security features to make them difficult to forge. But that doesn’t stop counterfeiters from trying to fool people with fakes. Luckily, anyone can help catch a counterfeit; all you need are a few simple tools and a bit of chemistry. Tien Nguyen details the chemistry behind counterfeit cash.

Lesson by Tien Nguyen, animation by Lippy.



  1. Seppe Zimmerer より:

    📲*00212645752301* *whatapps*📲
    وجـدت💁‍♂️ كــثــيــر مـن الـكـومـنـتـات عــن تــكــبــيــر الــقــضــيــب وضــعــف الانــتــصــاب وسـرعـة الـقـذف
    وأبـغـى أبـشـركـم😉 أنــي حــصــلــت عــلــى مـعـلـومـات كــثــيــر مـفـيـدة✅ هــتــنــفــعــكــم كـثـيـر ومـجـربـهـا كـمـان ونــفــعــتــنــي🤩🥳
    تــواصــل مــعــي🙋‍♂️ وأنــا بــشــرح لـك ســر الــوصــفــة الـواتـسـاب *00212.645.75.23.01*📲

  2. David Cote より:

    Me: wait, money is made of Cotten and linen? No wonder if you wash it iT shrinks.
    Mom: hey, why is there a twenty dollar bill in here? And why is It small?
    Me: uhhh

  3. Isaac Koay より:

    Ok hol up tip top reps ain’t got no flaws

  4. IAmBunny より:

    *Watches video*
    *Remembers she lives in UK*

  5. HamiltonObsessed より:

    You just wasted an 100 dollar bill

  6. Random Guy より:

    Paul Revere didn’t say ‘the British are coming’ because most of the people are British, he really said ‘the regulars are coming’

  7. Mai Cwajbaum より:

    Actually, Crane and Co. is NOT the original currency mill.

  8. Jose Mendez より:

    At least I now know my money is actually legit from the reserve

  9. nicolo limonta より:

    I found out this guy, it sells the best counterfit bills (or fake money) in the world. Also the prices are low. Contact him by email

  10. Andy Pang より:

    What I’m hearing: draw all over ur money to ruin its value

  11. 中華人民共和國統一工作部 より:

    How to spot a superdollar

  12. Multy Media より:

    What if it is an older 100 dollar Bill? Mine doesnt have the string of the 100 dollar bill

  13. savaGe KIDDO より:

    _”Dad why is the FBI here”_

  14. Aaron Kou より:

    I learned that when you put a bill up to the light a smaller face will appear faintly on the bill

  15. Faisal Alqaisi より:

    Does this apply for other currencies ?

  16. Andrew Liu より:

    There’s also that the number that says the value of the bill also changes from a green to copper color if you move it in the light.

  17. E E E E E より:

    Well I’m broke so this video didn’t help.

  18. Ashley Williams より:

    If your not sure take it to a rave party all night
    Then try again in the morning

  19. 2 Droids and stop motion and games より:


  20. Tech Dude 3000 より:

    Get out of my recommend
