The art of misdirection | Apollo Robbins

The art of misdirection | Apollo Robbins

Hailed as the greatest pickpocket in the world, Apollo Robbins studies the quirks of human behavior as he steals your watch. In a hilarious demonstration, Robbins samples the buffet of the TEDGlobal 2013 audience, showing how the flaws in our perception make it possible to swipe a wallet and leave it on its owner’s shoulder while they remain clueless.

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  1. Бојан Олић より:

    When did he changed the clothes like wow.

  2. Matt Kirsch より:

    I re-watched where he changes clothes and still can’t see how he does it so quick….

  3. Def Qon より:

    who rewinded to see when he changed the clothes?

  4. 水口泰城 より:

    I had goosebumps

  5. Chigga Chief より:

    Who rewatched the vid to see how he did his tricks

  6. Yuxiao Liu より:

    Who watched this video more than twice!

  7. Kotok TV より:

    4:40 this is how he change his clothes

  8. yuki kan より:


  9. James Dake より:

    I suspect at 5:45 he puts his hand in his jacket and pulls out an extra poker chip but idk what happened to the first one

  10. Victor Vidal より:

    Who else had to watch the entire video again…

  11. Gaming with Prince より:


  12. Gaming with Prince より:


  13. ivan leon より:

    The last part was crazy!!!!!!

  14. Heyy Zalman Galaydh より:

    I think the first outfit was fake
    Who is with me

  15. Leon Bauer より:

    I lost count how many Ted talks I had to stop watching because of dry-mouth-sounds. But it just increased by one.

  16. Joel BoyBlue より:

    The wet noises his mouth was making made me so uncomfortable

  17. #チョウチャク雉 より:


  18. StartToMiddle より:

    The guy looks and sounds like the hypnosis guy from now you see me

  19. Evans Dogbe より:

    That was brilliant

  20. Xavier Andres より:

    Nah.. he was looking for the weakest sheep.
