What makes muscles grow? – Jeffrey Siegel

What makes muscles grow? – Jeffrey Siegel

View full lesson: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/what-makes-muscles-grow-jeffrey-siegel

We have over 600 muscles in our bodies that help bind us together, hold us up, and help us move. Your muscles also need your constant attention, because the way you treat them on a daily basis determines whether they will wither or grow. Jeffrey Siegel illustrates how a good mix of sleep, nutrition and exercise keep your muscles as big and strong as possible.

Lesson by Jeffrey Siegel, animation by Brett Underhill.



  1. Marko M より:

    Thats how Thanos got that much big Muscles

  2. Fritzi Lang より:


  3. Tabinda Jabeen より:

    Wait the vids 4:20 long XD

  4. chris corona より:


  5. Brandon Bandstra より:

    Hyper Trophy

  6. widepeeposad より:

    Is nobody gonna talk about that this vid is 4:20 seconds long ?

  7. spidrmage より:

    Cartoon obviously skipped leg day

  8. Son of Kemet 2 より:

    3:47 to 3:51

    So Brock Lesnar’s T-shirt inscription of (Eat, Sleep, Conquer, Repeat) was simply him telling everyone how to be like him

    Incredibly nice guy Brock

  9. Nelson より:

    My muscles are so weak I can’t even pick up a chicken feather

  10. Mohd Hussain Telegraphy より:

    Is this thanos son?🤣. Anyone from 2019😝?

  11. Pacmanhits Pac より:

    1:39 I felt weak when he said that

  12. FlippaHT より:

    Sorry I had 2 but it’s thanos

  13. BL1TZKRI3G より:

    0:23 yeah i heard that doomguy noise

  14. Prince Charmless より:

    I like the ending

  15. Cuerex より:

    replace carrot with steak and you’re golden

  16. adam wild より:

    The molecule shown 2:52 is testosterone

  17. Gladwin joseph より:

    Try to add Subtitles in video cause most words can’t understand (poor in English) 🤷

  18. The Amazing Beanie-Man より:

    *Thanos and Kratos had a baby.*

  19. Cresheer 310 より:

    Isn’t that MC ride from 0:06 to 1:28?

  20. Zorux より:

    Blood makes grass grow, kill kill kill
