[Recommendation]పళ్లపై గార, పాచి పోవాలంటే. I Teeth Whitening at Home I Health Tips in Telugu I Evertything in Telugu

పళ్లపై గార, పాచి పోవాలంటే. I Teeth Whitening at Home I Health Tips in Telugu I Evertything in Telugu

పళ్లపై గార, పాచి పోవాలంటే. I Teeth Whitening at Home I Health Tips in Telugu I Evertything in Telugu. This page has health tips,ET,everything Telugu,how to clean yellow teeth in telugu,pasupu teeth whitening,teeth whitening at home in telugu,teeth whitening,teeth whitening at home,palla pai gaara,dental problems in telugu,dental problems and solutions,how to control bad breath in telugu,bad breath in telugu,bad breath treatment at home in telugu,panti noppi taggadam ela,panti noppi tips,panti noppi ki chitkalu in telugu,white teeth tips in telugu,white teeth tips,health of Tag information.

Tooth whitening is need for you.

The process of tooth whitening lightens the colour of a tooth. Tooth whitening can be achieved by either changing the intrinsic colour or by removing and controlling the formation of extrinsic stains.

Extrinsic staining, is largely due to environmental factors including smoking, pigments in beverages and foods, antibiotics, and metals such as iron or copper.

Coloured compounds from these sources are adsorbed into acquired dental pellicle or directly onto the surface of the tooth causing a stain to appear.

Intrinsic staining primarily occurs during the tooth development either before birth or at early childhood.

Intrinsic stains are those that cannot be removed through mechanical measures such as debridement or a prophylactic stain removal. As the age of the person increases, the teeth can also appear yellower over time.

Aloe Vera For Hair Fall :
Aloe vera contains something called proteolytic enzymes which repairs dead skin cells on the scalp.

It also acts as a great conditioner and leaves your hair all smooth and shiny.

It promotes hair growth, prevents itching on the scalp, reduces dandruff and conditions your hair.

ET … Everything in Telugu

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Health Disclaimer: The information on this channel is designed for Educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed.

#pallagaara #teethwhiteningtelugu #healthtipsintelugu

The chemical degradation of the chromogens within or on the tooth is termed as bleaching.

Tooth whitening is need for you.

Thank you for your reading.

tooth whitening
Improving your tooth problems


  1. Mvs Rao より:

    Baking power use cheyocha

  2. Sasi Rekha より:

    Waste podu we have to go dental doctor only

  3. Sasi Rekha より:

    Don’t tell lice

  4. Kishore Raju より:

    Mali normal paste thoo brush chesukovacha…

  5. Massive Guyz より:

    Baking soda use cheyakuna vadalema

  6. Surya Gudikandula より:

    Super bro

  7. Jotsna Josh より:

    Tq sir

  8. KV chowdary より:

    చిన్న పిల్లలకు కూడా వాడవచ్చా అండి.

  9. Madhavi Cheruvu より:

    Ennirojulaki completega pothundhi. Tell me

  10. Kalesha Shaik より:

    Jama aakuato puchhina pallu taggutaya ne chadastam kano

  11. Kalesha Shaik より:

    Ee tips meku ela telusu

  12. Kalesha Shaik より:

    Try chesanu result kanipi ledu na pannu light ga puchhi nattu undi kani adi em po ledu

  13. Kalesha Shaik より:

    Nenu eeroju try chesi na anubhavam meeku teliya cheasta

  14. Uday Kiran より:

    క్షణాల్లో అన్నారు కదా,మరి వారం అంటున్నారు,మీ video బా,కానీ title అలా పెట్టడం ఏమి బాగాలేదు

  15. Thuberi Sarika より:

    Nijanga miru cheppindi cheste teeth tellaga avtaya

  16. bablu Pandit より:

    Try chesa Kani emi change ledu

  17. Ganganna Kalleda より:

    Try chesta

  18. Suresh Varma より:

    Thappakunda try chestha. Unna pallanu dhengabettukunta.

  19. Bk Sudhakar より:

    Buy kottakal ayurveda Dasanakanti churnam it will work for variety tooth problems and whiten tooths it’s my practical experience

  20. kishor shetty より:

    Pakka ga avuthunda bro reply mi bro
