[Recommendation]Novon White Dental Beauty – The most powerful teeth whitening gel

Novon White Dental Beauty – The most powerful teeth whitening gel

Novon White Dental Beauty – The most powerful teeth whitening gel. This page has Optident,White Dental Beauty,Tooth Whitening,Teeth Whitening of Tag information.

Tooth whitening is need for you.

The process of tooth whitening lightens the colour of a tooth. Tooth whitening can be achieved by either changing the intrinsic colour or by removing and controlling the formation of extrinsic stains.

Extrinsic staining, is largely due to environmental factors including smoking, pigments in beverages and foods, antibiotics, and metals such as iron or copper.

Coloured compounds from these sources are adsorbed into acquired dental pellicle or directly onto the surface of the tooth causing a stain to appear.

Intrinsic staining primarily occurs during the tooth development either before birth or at early childhood.

Intrinsic stains are those that cannot be removed through mechanical measures such as debridement or a prophylactic stain removal. As the age of the person increases, the teeth can also appear yellower over time.

NOVON® is a new, patented whitening compound that comprises hydrogen peroxide, urea and sodium tripolyphosphate (Reference to Technical Image; “Postulated Structure of NOVON”) and is the active ingredient in a new generation of tooth whitening gels.

NOVON® has a unique inherent feature in that, on application, it produces a “pH jump” into the alkaline pH range. This “pH jump” enhances the release of perhydroxyl ions for a faster whitening effect. (Reference to Technical Images; “Generation of the Perhydroxyl Ion” & “Diagram to Explain the Whitening Action of Perhydroxyl Ions”).

NOVON®-containing gels can therefore produce a similar whitening effect within a shorter time-frame, in comparison to whitening using a regular gel. Alternatively, within the same time-frame, a similar level of whitening can be achieved with a lower inclusion level of NOVON® (Hyland et al., 2014). This should be an advantage to patients with sensitive teeth.

The chemical degradation of the chromogens within or on the tooth is termed as bleaching.

Tooth whitening is need for you.

Thank you for your reading.

tooth whitening
Improving your tooth problems


  1. Hugh Davis より:

    This product ‘lightened’ my teeth after one week. But after that there was NO improvement what so ever. It kinda works, but doesn’t give you the white smile that they advertise. Packaging looks very professional. Slight sensitivity if worn for longer than 2 hours. It hasn’t given me the white teeth i thought i was going to get from this product. Disappointed my teeth are not sparkling white
