[Recommendation]Chairside Live Episode 218: Camouflaging a Caries Cleanout

Chairside Live Episode 218: Camouflaging a Caries Cleanout

Chairside Live Episode 218: Camouflaging a Caries Cleanout. This page has Chairside Live,Glidewell Laboratories,dental,lab,dentistry,dentist,teeth,health,doctor,Dr Chi,Dr Justin Chi,occlusal decay,tooth decay,pain when biting,camouflage composite,case of the week,glidewell case of the week,thermal sensitivity,caries cleanout,caries cleaning,gluma,vitrebond,scotchbond universal adhesive,cavity,cavity filling,Glidewell Direct,nanohybrid composite of Tag information.

Pulpitis is reversible when the pain is mild to moderate and lasts for a short time after a stimulus (for instance cold); or irreversible when the pain is severe, spontaneous, and lasts a long time after a stimulus. Left untreated, pulpitis may become irreversible, then progress to pulp necrosis (death of the pulp) and apical periodontitis. Abscesses usually cause throbbing pain.

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In this episode of Chairside Live, Dr. Chi utilizes Camouflage® Composite, a nanohybrid material with the ideal combination of esthetics and strength, on a decaying tooth #31.

Toothache may be caused by dental (odontogenic) conditions (such as those involving the dentin-pulp complex or periodontium), or by non-dental (non-odontogenic) conditions (such as maxillary sinusitis or angina pectoris). There are many possible non-dental causes, but the vast majority of toothache is dental in origin.

The clinical examination narrows the source down to a specific tooth, teeth, or a non-dental cause. Clinical examination moves from the outside to the inside, and from the general to the specific. Outside of the mouth, the sinuses, muscles of the face and neck, the temporomandibular joints, and cervical lymph nodes are palpated for pain or swelling.

Chairside Live Episode 218: Camouflaging a Caries Cleanout.

tooth aches
Improving your tooth problems


  1. AmericanPatriot1776 より:

    I’m watching this after getting my cavity filled. No shot or gas. He said he had to drill for 30 seconds. Now I see how fast that drill removes material. HOW MUCH OF MY TOOTH DID HE TAKE HOLY COW!!!

  2. some lǝᴉuɐp guy より:

    Immediately went and brushed my teeth for 10 minutes straight

  3. Niranjana A. S より:

    My root canal treatment was done before 2 months

  4. tommy hing より:

    If you don’t brush your teeth at me and you’re going to get so hurt you better brush your teeth right away right

  5. Family Family より:


  6. Melony Samuel より:

    Hi grandmither

  7. Pandora より:

    I have black teeth on the top of my tooth. Can someone tell me what it is? I feel no pain but idk what it is..

  8. Saqia Zainab より:

    Other viewers : Oh! Thank goodness I don’t have cavities
    Me : scared cuz I have cavities.

  9. Dolom Marku より:

    Later I was 6 years old I cried and I brushed my teeth on 12 minutes and later we when to the doctor and my teeth is white now

  10. Anna Cambalon より:


  11. Victoria Reese より:

    I never been to the dentist at all I’m 16 mom’s could never afford it for me some of my teeth are decaying and it hurts I have chipped rotten teeth and I brush them it hurts please I’m begging anyone that sees this help me I been through so much I can’t even smile please anybody my name is Quentin Reese and my Instagram is imqjr_ please mane.

  12. Rubber Soul より:

    We all Searched for this

  13. Ellie Jean より:

    My teeth hurt and idk why I’m tryna figure out why and I ended up here

  14. Prestyn _cook より:

    My last cavity was 5 years ago and I never knew how they did it and after watching this I’m disturbed

  15. revesplairs より:

    I’ve had a decayed tooth for 2 years and it might’ve been so bad it’s hole is so big and it’s probably deeper than mariana’s trech

  16. Sandip Pramanick より:

    Is it suitable for 9 years old girl ?
    Please reply.
    Is there any alternative of pulpectomy ?

  17. IFlied より:

    that shit hurts

  18. wild frontier より:

    Why the hell would you add a stain…you fix other teeth and have them all looking white and clean

  19. Esme :D より:

    So that’s what my dentist did to me😬😬

  20. Itz Wolfie_Zaydan! より:

    Oh the Thumbnail 😵
